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Orthodontic Treatment (Braces)

Orthodontic Treatment (Braces)

Orthodontic treatment, also known as braces, is a type of dental treatment that uses brackets and wires to straighten and align teeth, correct bite issues, and improve the overall appearance of the smile.

There are several types of braces available, including:

Metal braces: These are the most traditional type of braces and are made of metal brackets and wires. They are the most visible type of braces but also considered the most effective.
Ceramic braces: These are similar to metal braces, but the brackets are made of tooth-colored ceramic material, making them less visible.
Clear aligners: These are a series of clear, plastic trays that are custom-made to fit the teeth. They are virtually invisible and can be removed for eating and brushing.
Lingual braces: These are similar to metal braces, but the brackets and wires are placed on the inside of the teeth, making them virtually invisible.
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